José María García Espejo

Task 1: giving personal information.  


My name is jose  maria  garcia  espejo. I am Spanish. I am 16, I am a stiuded.I Live in palma del rio








my house is large with a large salon for a long time, my part is the garden faboritas, my house is decorated in wood, my buddy's bathroom is not big, but my room if...








My name is jose  maria  garcia  espejo. I am Spanish. I am 16, I am a stiuded.I Live in palma del rio. I get up at 7:00 In the mornig. I have some toast and coffe for freakfast. I go to work at seven ochoc.   I finich work : at four ochoc . I have lumch at work . later, igo to the gyinm. After the gymn , I go to Sechool. When . i finich school . I get home . I go to bed . at 11:00